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Marco was born in Arequipa Peru. He studied architecture, and during this stage, he learned how to use watercolor as a medium to include color in his architectural drawings and sketches. After graduating as an Architect, He worked as a professor at two universities, teaching Architectural Design and Architectural Drawing. In February 2009 Marco and his family arrived in the state of Massachusetts, where they still reside.

Marco had several exhibitions in Peru and Massachusetts, and he is a member of the New England Watercolor Society; a member of the Quincy Art Association where he does classes of watercolor, sketches and perspective. Marco has participated in several art contests getting different awards, ranging from Best of the Show, first place, second and honorable mentions.

Marco has a painting studio at home, using techniques ranging from pencil drawing, acrylic, mixed media, and of course watercolor, his favorite technique.


Marco thinks: " paintings requires a balance between lights, shades and shadows and all of them are constantly playing an important role to get harmony". 

“I still wonder how such an ethereal technique can occupy the same place as architecture, where forms, structures, and materials are only the privilege of a single discipline. It is certainly a wrong impression. I think that the point of contact between these two vocations is within a territory that has turned many architects into a painter. It may be the aesthetic, the expression of the strokes, the energy of the forms, or the spirit of the lines and the spaces. But I am sure that in this context, the poetry of a painter or an architect occurs. I have learned that watercolor conveys in its clarity and simplicity concrete facts, and this is manifested by the product itself to preserve the pleasant moments of the past and present”.

Marco Bio.jpg



Award: Marilyn Sabin Memoria

New England Watercolor Society

Rhode Island

"A Sunrise by the Sea"

A Sunrise by the Sea.jpg

       Quincy art Association - 

1st Place

 "Sea View" 


Marina Bay Arts Affair

The best of the  Show

"On the Edge of the Sea"


Massasoit Arts Affair  The  

Best of the Show

"Old Door Latch"


Marina Bay Arts Affair

First Place

"A Winter in Provincetown"

Sea View.jpg
On The Edge Of The Sea.jpg
Old Door Latch.jpg
A Winter in Provincetown.jpg


Massasoit Arts Affair

First Place

"Sunrise at Sullana - Peru"

Sunrise at Sullana Peru.jpg


Marina Bay Arts Affair

Second Place

"A Day in the City"

A Day In The City.jpg


Massasoit Arts Affair

Second Place

"The Harvest"

The Harvest.jpg


Marina Bay Arts Affair

3rd Place

"Set of Keys"

Set of Keys.jpg


Massasoit Arts Affair

3rd Place

"Main Door"

Main Door.jpg


Second National  Bienal

Painting of Peru




Massasoit Community College

 Arts Festival

Honorable Mention

"Reticulate Colors"

Reticulate Door.jpg

Honorable Mention | MCC-Canton 2013, “A Sunset Beach Port”


Honorable Mention | Art Affair Marina Bay 2012 “Logs”


Honorable Mention | MCC- Canton 2011, “The Colors of Provincetown”


Recognition | The Commonwealth of Massachusetts / State House, Boston, MA. 


Stoughton Public Library, Stoughton, MA 2023


Quincy Art Association, Quincy, MA  May-Jul 2022


Stoughton Public Library, Stoughton, MA 2016


Massasoit Community College, Canton, MA 2015-2016


Equal Exchange Café, Boston, MA 2012


Massasoit Community College, Brockton MA  2011


Raynham Public Library, Raynham MA October 2010


Brockton Public Library,  Brockton MA April 2010




Demostration of watercolor technique in Quincy Art Association. MA


Demostration in Orchard Cove Community in Canton MA. July 2022




Watercolor Worshop at Orchard Cove Community MA. July 2022


Watercolor workshop at Raynham Public Library MA. October, 2017


Watercolor workshop at Raynham Public Library MA. October, 2010


Art Classes


Watercolor classes for children at Massasoit Community College 2015


Watercolor classes for adults at Milton Art Museum since June 2022

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